
SMU Masters


SMU is a globally-recognised institution, known for its innovative curriculum and teaching excellence.

Since 70% of students are currently internationals from all over the world, SMU must have a website that provides enhanced user experience and communicates its Brand story and Value Proposition engagingly.



After taking a look at the website itself, we defined areas that we would like to improve it from the current site.

  • Better consolidation of information structures in each page and across journeys

  • Creating a fresh and consistent UX/UI Design

  • Streamlining the flow and templates to provide a clear information structure in a visually appealing framework

  • Improving the mobile experience


The Process

We conducted Field research / Stakeholder interviews and Card sorting to restructure the information. Once we got new IA. We built wireframes to test with users(8). Each were given certain tasks to complete and we asked them to narrate their process as they did so. After we received feedback from them, Keeping our previous issues and their solutions in mind during iteration, we created mockups. It was exciting to see our ideas being brought to life.

Key highlights of UX/UI improvements


Homepage/ Why SMU Masters

  • Highlighting the key information that is meaningful to prospects (USPs, Testimonials)

  • Clear story telling of the information about the unique selling points

Programme listing

  • Important programme information is displayed up front (Application period, Mode/Duration)

  • Clear call to actions for users (Apply now, Learn More)

Financial aid

  • Simple filtering option to showcase a set of data, instead of showing everything

  • Short summary for each entry with an option to find out more

My Contribution


This project means a lot to me since I was not only the lead UI but also the lead UX. I also had lots of chances to communicate with a real client about their wants and needs for this website assisted me with understanding the flexibilities and restrictions I was allowed to work with.

I'm very happy to contribute to this site for many students who want to enter the school from all over the world. I wish to be remembered as this site where it can provide them with a pleasant experience and get the information they want.

New SMU Masters


Banyan Tree


Great Eastern Life